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Air Operations and Training Update
August 12, 2024, 7:07 pm

Dear Members, 

We're writing to inform you of some upcoming changes within the ATC Operations and Training environment which affect every member. As always the division is looking for new ways to improve controller standards and continue to provide leading Air Traffic Services across the IVAO network. 

With our events looking increasingly busy, well attended and more regular and a great deal of students passing exams with the support of the training department, there has never been a better time to create even more learning opportunities for all of you to further your knowledge. We will be expanding our Moodle system significantly to provide supplementary, airport and position-specific courses at all levels. 

The main aim, of course, is to allow controllers to reach their full potential and provide a quality service consistently across the division. With only a small handful of changes to our facility rating assignments (FRAs) to support the learning structure, controllers at all levels will only experience a few changes. The following list should provide some examples of what the new program will look like at your level: 

I’m an AS3. Where can I control?

As an AS3 you can still control all of our tower positions across the division excluding our major airports. If you elect to do the AS3+ scheme there will be a Moodle course to work through within no exams and instead replaced with an oral examination to get derestricted on EGKK EGCC EGAA Dublin will no longer be available to AS3+ candidates.

I’m an ADC, what changes apply to me?

As an ADC, you will now be able to control all tower positions across the XU division excluding Heathrow and Dublin which you can take an airport specific Moodle for and obtain a derestriction after an automated quiz. ADCs will also still be able to control any approach position (excluding Heathrow or Dublin) across the division once you have completed the new ADC+ scheme called (Radar Generics either CAA/ICAO or both).

As an APC controller are there any changes for me?

APC controllers will now be afforded the ability to control any approach position across the division and also Dublin and Heathrow after taking an airport radar specific Moodle. On successful completion of the APC+ scheme with lots more content than previously will now offer you a much richer learning experience and allow for Terminal/Area Validations.

With this change though comes the removal of our bandbox positions for each FIR. Bandbox derestriction will be valid until 31 December 2024 for existing validated holders 

I’m in the ACC club, what can you offer me or is my learning journey over? 

ACC Controllers having completed an Area exam will be able to control all of our bandbox positions. It takes a whole lot of time, patience and dedication to achieve this role and we want you to know after passing an area exam and formally demonstrating your competence you are deserving. 

The transitionary period

To assist our training staff with the transition and focus our attention on bringing you all this new material and resources, we will be closing the existing  AS3+ moodles from 0001 on Sunday 18th August. As previously stated, the AS3+ will now switch to oral boards you can request following completion of the Moodle course, instead of being examined on Moodle.

All of these changes will go live from 0001 hours Sunday 1st September 2024 and if you wish to retain any derestrictions that are available on the new schemes, please complete the relevant Moodle/s which will be available to you from Sunday 25th August 2024.

If you have any questions feel free to catch any member of the Training or ATC Ops team in our discord voice channels or send us an email, where we can help explain the changes if you require any clarification. If you complete a Moodle it will be marked automatically by the new system and derestrictions applied within 7 days, please do not open tickets to request the status of these prior to this timeframe.

These changes are also a huge undertaking for the Training and ATC Operations departments and have been months of work and liaison. Thank you personally from me to all those staff members who have made this transition possible.

Thank you for your consideration and all of our teams look forward to speaking to all of you very soon on the RT!​​

Blue skies and happy flying!

On behalf of the
Air Operations and Training Department

New Tours are Here!
February 25, 2024, 11:19 am

Embark on thrilling virtual adventures with our latest lineup of tours for IVAO XU! Whether you're a seasoned pilot or a beginner, there's something for everyone:

Jet2 Airline Tour - Experience the beauty of Europe as you fly with Jet2 to popular destinations.

Ryanair Airline Tour - Explore the skies with Ryanair, connecting cities across the continent.

Virgin Atlantic Long Haul Tour - Take on the challenge of long-haul flights and discover the world with Virgin Atlantic. 

Cargo Tour - Become a cargo pilot, transporting goods and exploring diverse landscapes.

BizJet Tour - Step into the world of luxury and speed with our exclusive business jet tour.

XU United FC Tour - Fly the XU United football squad to all their 'cup games' in style and support them from the skies!

Scottish VFR Tour - Soar over the picturesque landscapes of Scotland in a visually stunning VFR adventure.

UK + Ireland VFR Tour - Immerse yourself in the breathtaking scenery of the United Kingdom and Ireland with this VFR tour.

Elton John Farewell Tour - Tour created by Fabio - 154795

Check them out here

Community Sectorfile Launch
January 16, 2022, 11:35 am

You asked for it and it's finally here! Many of you will have noticed the changes to the sectorfile in the last couple of weeks and now we're able to explain why.

A group of extremely talented members have spent several weeks rebuilding the EGTT/EGPX sectorfile from the ground up (literally!) and now they've started on the EISN sectorfile too.

There's too many new features to list but here's a few for you: taxiway and holding point labels, SIDs and STARs, VRPs and RMAs per airport, faster loading coastline, better performance and less chance of Aurora crashes.

So what makes this a COMMUNITY sectorfile? Well, it's on Github and it's there for you to help develop!

You can read more about configuring the sectorfiles at https://wiki2.xu.ivao.aero/en/atc/sectorfile

Want to help out? Head over to Github and make your first pull request! https://github.com/IVAO-XU/

ATC Operations Coordinator
IVAO's Merch Shop - Now Live
January 10, 2021, 10:41 pm

We are pleased to announce that orders to the United Kingdom and Ireland are now available!

Check out their store here

Public Relations Coordinator